Proceed as follows to create a new user for your cloud:
In the main menu (Navigator) navigate in “Configuration” and “Accounts” to “Users“
Click at the top right in the window “Add user“
Specify all necessary parameters and a valid email address of the user.
Select whether the user is to receive a link prompting him to set a password or allocate a password for the user (In the latter case use the checkbox to reset the password after initial logon)
Select a user role containing the desired access authorisations
Click “Save“
The user has been created now.
Role definition:
admins: Administrator; can view, edit and delete all device & users. Can also edit all cloud settings.
business: Standard role. Can view, edit and delete all devices. Cannot delete users. Can also edit all cloud settings.
readers: This user predominantly has read authorisations. “Inventory Roles” can be used to assign device groups to him for which rights can be assigned separately.
Editing or deleting users
If you want to edit a user (e.g. change the email address), navigate to the user administration as described above. In the respective user line click on the right on the “Three-point icon” and select “Edit” or “Delete“. Inputs in the edit window are analogous to the new creation of a user.